Slow (A few months)
Business location – Canada
Monthly Revenue – $10K +
Time in Business – 6 months +
Business location – Canada
Monthly Revenue – $10K +
Time in Business – 6 months +
Funds in 24 hours
$10,000 to $800,000
You must be an Alberta Resident and your business must be located in Alberta, (starting a business in another province? Contact the office to ask for the phone number of the AFI for your province).
You must have a minimum of 6 months to one year of experience in the industry you are starting your business
Projects must be a start-up or expansion of a business.
The business must generate an income for the applicant of at least $20,000 annually
Total project must exceed $20,000
The applicant must obtain financing through a commercial lender for the costs that are not covered by the grant and the cash equity (if you have already received financing
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